As millions of homebound professionals, students, and more have become completely dependent on digital technologies to continue their lives and work, digital equity has never been more pressing. 141 million people in the US, nearly 43% of the population, don’t have home internet access at the FCC’s 25 Mbps down, 3 Mbps up broadband definition. While bridging the ‘digital divide’ is now imperative for remote work, education, and telehealth, the recent COVID-19 stimulus act did not address the need for internet access, raising the stakes for future relief bills.
This webinar explored these and other issues and how public interest organizations and advocates are seeking to immediately address the digital divide through campaigns, legislation, and future inclusion in stimulus bills.
Angela Siefer, National Digital Inclusion Alliance
Olivia Wein, National Consumer Law Center
Francella Ochillo, Next Century Cities
Brian Howard, American Indian Policy Institute
amalia deloney, Media Democracy Fund
Video archive
Password: EQUITY
One-sheet summary
Co-sponsored by Arabella Advisors, Ariadne Network, Human Rights Funders Network, Neighborhood Funders Group and Rockefeller Brothers Fund.